Download vestigial structures
Download vestigial structures

download vestigial structures

Insect, bird, and bat wings evolved completely separately. If organisms they live in similar environments, they will evolve similar structures.Natural selection selects for (keeps around) mutations that increase fitness in the specific environment.Key Point #1: Analogous structures show that unrelated* species will evolve similar adaptations in response to similar environmental pressures.Analogous structure: Parts of different species that have the same function, but EVOLVED SEPARATELY.Scientists can compare the anatomy of different organisms to figure out how closely they are related.How can we use the appearance of cat and horse embryos to support the theory of evolution? (Hint: use the phrases “evolve” and “common ancestor”!).

download vestigial structures

(Hint: use the phrases “evolve” and “common ancestor”!) What type of structures are these? EXPLAIN how these structures support the theory of evolution. Lions and tigers have similarly structured tails.These traits are examples of _ structures. All animal embryos start off looking very _.What is a common ancestor? Give an example.What are homologousstructures? Provide two examples of homologous structures.This is evidence that all animals evolved from the same common ancestor.All animal embryos have gill slits and tails.What are two things all animal embryos have in common? What does this tell us about how animals evolved?.This shows that humans and cows evolved from a common ancestor with a four-chambered heart.Human and cow hearts are homologous structures.What type of structure is this, and what does it tell us about how humans and cows evolved? Humans and cows both have hearts with four chambers.The environmental pressure is the decrease in population of the Bucaneers.Explain how vestigial structures support the theory of evolution.Explain how analogous structures support the theory of evolution.Objectives By the end of today, all SWBAT… What are two things ALL animal embryos have in common? What does this tell us about how animals evolved?.Describe what it tells us about how humans and cows evolved.Cougars eat Bucaneers, which have decreased in population over the past few years.Analogous and Vestigial Structures Write in complete sentences! Don’t talk during the Catalyst! Catalyst

Download vestigial structures